Posted by: hdooley | January 11, 2009

A toast to a girls weekend

“No man is the whole of himself.  His friends are the rest of him.”  Good Life Almanac

I just got back from a weekend in Chapel Hill with five of my college girlfriends.  We all met during the course of our freshman year at UNC- Chapel Hill.  We roomed together, lead bible studies together, dated the same boys, argued over those boys, had disagreements over minor issues, but were able to remain friends throughout the four years. 

You are able to get so close to girls when you spend 24 hours a day with them- you eat together, study together, go on dates together, simply live life together.   I am amazed that now, 11 years later, when we all get together we can pick up right where we left off.  Our comfort level with one another has not changed.  We can and do talk about anything (most of it too inappropriate to write on a blog), then we laugh until we almost pee our pants.  Between us here are 12 children with one on the way.  Despite our growing familes, careers, and other time commitments we have managed to get together most years since we graduated.  We have been committed to our friendships and are intentional about our time together each year.  Here we are sitting in “the pit” in front of student stores on the campus of UNC.  Oh, the memories….. 


So here’s to each of my girlfriends:

Angela- (Ang or Ange)  A 82 pound Madame District Attorney who specializes in Domestic Violence and “doesn’t tell a lie”

Alana- A fashionista who just moved from the OC to the “Big D”

Janet- “vacillates” between Dr. Horton, who will cure the world of breast cancer and a mommy to an expert on princess’ and a mullet boy

Kara- (Karebear)  “evidently” is  a 12 week pregnant pastor’s wife who watches “stupet” shows like The Hills

Brandi- is a bunny loving, bazooka showing, Francine Rivers fan.

To all of you- guilty pleasures, shared boyfriends, Cuba or Chinese, tapas meal at Babymoon, driving to Pittsboro, forgetting drivers license, home births, is your child saying mama or dada? 

A toast to a year ahead……..  strong marriages, new community in new places, better mommies, growing in our faith—- let’s continue to beat the odds!!  I love you all!


  1. and to heather: a Cuban (or Chinese?) mommy of three who just earned a spot on LA Ink

    loved the post and all of you!!

  2. Love your post! And love you girls so much!

  3. What a blessing! I spent over an hour on the phone yesterday with Ann, my maid of honor-38 years ago. We talked of faith, husbands, sons and daughter-in-laws and grandchildren. Here is to all of you as you grow closer to each other and grow in the grace and knowledge of Jesus. Glad that you are my daughter-in-love Het. Mo

  4. girl!! i was laughing out loud! evidently, you are too funny. had any good chinese/cuban food lately? any more bad customer service and soupy milkshakes at small soda shops? love, karebear

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